OMF International – The Farbers
OMF International Ministries
Brian & Bekah Farber
Serving in Central Thailand
Thailand is a wonderful country. It is one of the best holiday countries in the world. The weather is wonderful, the food is delicious, the nature is stunning, and the people are friendly. It is a great country to live in, and people will react positively when you tell them you are a missionary: “That is great! We need more religion, for every religion teaches us to be good!”
And yet, if you believe that Jesus is the only way to eternal happiness, there is a lot to be sad about in Thailand. Millions upon millions live in areas without a single church. Countless people have never heard the Gospel and have never knowingly met a Christian. Their lives are centered around making merit to earn a better life and a better reincarnation. They appease the spirits in the hope of a prosperous and happy life. Or they are just concerned about material things and never even think about spiritual things. As a result, we see many broken lives around us.
Jesus has saved us. We received God’s grace. We started on a journey that will end in eternal happiness on the new earth. And we want to invite as many Thai people as possible to go on that journey with us. We want to display the glory of God in Thailand in such a way that people are attracted to Him. We do that in many different ways, but most of all we proclaim the Good News about Jesus and we plant churches in those areas and among those people that have never heard the Gospel before.
OMF International is a worldwide organization united around a common call and passion: to reach the unreached peoples of East Asia with the hope of the gospel. Founded by James Hudson Taylor, we have a rich legacy and more than 150 years of vibrant service to East Asia’s people. We desire to continue what Taylor started until every unreached people group has heard the name of Jesus. There are still many to reach and many ways to serve. Come be part of what God is doing through OMF International and OMF (U.S).